Press Releases

Papercycle Shortlisted for Stationers’ Innovation Excellence Awards 2024

July 15, 2024

Papercycle, the leading recyclability assessment and certification service for fibre-based products and materials has been shortlisted for the prestigious Stationers’ Innovation Excellence Awards.Read More

Health and Safety - it’s in our hands. Key message at this year’s CPI Conference

July 8, 2024

180 delegates from all operational levels within the industry attended this year’s conference, which focused on the three objectives in the new Paper and Board Industry Advisory Committee (PABIAC) Strategy – Health and Safety – it’s in our hands.Read More

CPI Publishes its Annual Review ‘Leading the Sustainable Circular Economy’ for 2023-24

June 25, 2024

The Review highlights the wide range of issues managed by CPI over the past year. It shows our work on environmental and energy policies, packaging issues, corrugated promotion, forestry, recycling, health and safety, industrial strategy, and more.Read More

The Economic Viability of Decarbonisation by Electrifying Heat

June 10, 2024

CPI is pleased to sponsor new research by independent experts Cornwall Insight that further considers the operational economics of switching from gas to electricity to generate industrial heat in UK paper mills.Read More

Paper Industry Gold Awards - 2024 Winners

May 22, 2024

CPI announces winners of the Paper Industry Gold Awards 2024. Representatives from across the UK’s Paper-based Industries gathered in Stationers’ Hall, London, to celebrate the achievements of the industry.Read More

Press Statement: CPI Response to BBC Article on Recyclability of Pizza Boxes and Paper Coffee Cups

March 20, 2024

BBC article latest version 'What can and can't be recycled from your food shop?' still contains misleading information regarding the recyclability of pizza boxes and paper coffee cups.Read More

CPI Publishes its 2024 Manifesto: Our Priorities for a New Government

March 18, 2024

Our manifesto highlights what the next Government must do to ensure the UK’s Paper-based Industries have a practical policy and regulatory framework to facilitate investments in UK manufacturing, promote recycling, achieve resource efficiency...Read More

Design for Recyclability Guidelines Setting Standards for Sustainable Fibre-Based Packaging Products

February 28, 2024

The fourth edition of the Guidelines builds upon the success of the previous publications. It marks a significant step forward towards a circular economy, and drawing on practical experience and expertise from the Paper Industry it reaffirms.....Read More

CPI expresses concerns over Government's data analysis on Simpler Recycling proposals

January 17, 2024

CPI has taken a closer look at how data informs Defra’s critical policy decisions which revealed a concerning contradiction.Read More

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